Forward from Fear: Six Ways to Get into the Waters of Life Even When We Feel Afraid

Starting a new venture in life is much like entering the water to go for a swim. Some people tip-toe around the edges, some race in with vigour, others wade in slowly preparing themselves by gradually acclimatizing to the change.

toe-in-waterSadly, there are those who never get involved, who watch others having fun and wish they too had the courage to get into the water. We all know timid folks who live their whole lives on the edges.

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What Matters? Questions that Help You Choose Your Way of Being

Do you ever feel like the ‘odd person out’ in a social gathering? Do people ever say “You’re so quiet!” or “You’re so different!”? Do you appreciate your own personality or do you think you have to keep changing  based on the group you’re with?

whoamiHow do we find our own “style”? This is not about your visual image although your inner style will shine forth to your exterior.  Think of the times that you have felt sad and no amount of makeup or bright clothing could quite mask your down spirits. Is fashion or the latest hairstyle as important as how you are with your children, for example?


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Forward from Fear: Six Ways to Get into the Waters of Life Even When We Feel Afraid

Starting a new venture in life is much like entering the water to go for a swim. Some people tip-toe around the edges, some race in with vigour, others wade in slowly preparing themselves by gradually acclimatizing to the change.

toe-in-waterSadly, there are those who never get involved, who watch others having fun and wish they too had the courage to get into the water. We all know timid folks who live their whole lives on the edges.

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Confidence Building By Creating Your Own Kudos: Part III

DO focus on creating a life that is wonderfully fulfilling every day.

confidence3Starting fresh each day gives us permission to forgive ourselves for past mistakes, to forgive others and to concentrate on enjoying the moments before us.

How often do we find ourselves complaining about what is going wrong: the weather, our looks, our relationships, our work?

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Confidence Building By Creating Your Own Kudos: Part II

UNDERSTAND that although everyone seems to have free advice, the bottom line is that you are the one who needs to wade through all of the ideas until you arrive at what suits you.

confidence2_choiceYour choices may mirror what your parents want for you or they may be vastly different. You may need to put your foot down to let family and friends know your right to decide is your right.

Each of us has the right to choose what we believe to be important. You may be the first in your family to graduate from university or you may be the first to choose to not enter university, instead embarking on a year or so of travel, volunteer work or combined work experiences with part-time study.

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